What i find more interesting behind the project then the work itself is the reviews and feedback he has on the product. Many women and men around the world have ordered and received the barbie doll for themselves, their daughters and even their sons. His doll has made so many people more happy then the average barbie doll ever had.
This is a statement of his work i found on his website: "He scored a big hit last summer with his “regular Barbie” doll which — gasp! — actually possessed the body proportions of the average 19-year-old female. That was a digital mirage, but Mr. Lamm has spent much of the past year developing a real doll for sale called Lammily — complete with reusable stickers that mimic freckles, acne, cellulite, grass stains, moles and stretchmarks — and she’s been selling like hotcakes."
This is the software barbie doll he has produced too sell to families. Not only is the doll of average proportion but her clothing is also of ideal standard rather then the skimpy, non-appropriate style the barbie doll is sold with.
This is is the comparisons of the barbie doll that Lamm produced before he started creating his own doll. He uses the Mattel Barbie doll to show how out of proportion the doll is to the one he made.
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