By looking at contact sheets by Ed Ruscha and Robert frank i learned a bit into the nature of sequences within the collection of images. Both traveled a land and you can see clear evidence of this in their contact sheets.

For this project i then choice the concept of locks and chains in the city. I looked at how somethings are locking something in or keeping people out. This interests me as these locks and chains can be broken very easily making the space trapped into a pubic space.
I also looked at how chains and locks were situated in a place of no purpose, like they were forgotten and just left there. Many of these were rusted by weather and force of the harsh winters.

Another thing i was looking at was how gates and bars do the same thing as locks and chains. There is a two paintings on Thomas Street in the heart of the city. these are of a woman and child. the one i picked was of particular interest to me because i feel shes the heart of the city as shes there holding her soul or heart. the paintings are in behind these large gates so you cant actually go in and see the painting and every time you try look at it properly, but all the bars just get in the way. Its like the heart of the city is trapped.

Because we were limited to one roll of film this project was particularly hard when it comes to taking the images t make sure every one of them counts. Making sure every image was in proper exposure focus and composition was hard but it helped because i had a bigger selection to chose from. The developing of the film and the images was of extra care because if i messed it up there was no going back.
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